Hey guys! Sorry about the break in post during the holidays. I am back with new posts about fashion styling, art history, and creative advice for 2020!
Sometimes life can get you down and everyday chores and responsibilities can get in the way of your creative juices. Right now, I am struggling with just that. A lot is going on with my life at the moment and big life events are moving very rapidly. I do not have the energy to be innovative, creative, or charismatic about projects. I am trudging through finishing up my clothing collection, and the cold weather has me feeling like a hermit. But in order to move forward in life, one must push through any obstacle, and I am trying my best to still create during these winter months.
One thing I want to touch on in this blog post is my theory on productivity. I tend to go through two different phases of productivity and alternate back and forth. The two phases of productivity I experience are assertive and passive.
During the assertive productivity phase, I want to constantly create. I am always inspired and want to do ALL of the things. I tend to agree to too many things and overextend myself, but I feel so good about it. While feeling assertive, I am drawing, writing lyrics, making more blog posts, just DOING things.
During the passive productivity phase, I want to kind of draw inward and evaluate my life. I lean towards activities like yoga, reading, and shopping. In this phase I am still remaining productive but I am taking information in instead of exerting information. While I feel guilty in the passive phase that I should be doing more things, it is also important to take that time to reflect and slow down.
Both of these productive phases influence how I stay creative. If you, the reader, also resonate with these, let me offer some advice to keep alternating between phases and not being stagnant with your growth as a creator and human being.
Always try new things.
Go out with friends, but alternate your friend groups and what you do with them to keep a healthy balance and to always be learning from them and making new memories.
Make some time for yourself to learn something new!
Even in the passive phase, try a new restaurant or place to shop at.
Listen to new music.
In your assertive phase, try making something everyday, whether it be a sketch, a poem, meal prepping
Never be afraid to take risks and say YES - just make sure you have the energy for it.
These things I do to keep myself moving forward. It is healthy to alternate between being assertive and passive with your habits and hobbies to keep your creative juices on their toes and flowing! Inspiration can come from anywhere - and it’s okay if you hit any roadblocks, writer’s blocks, or just need some downtime to reassess your needs. Do not force creativity and productivity.
I hope this blog was helpful to read! It is definitely something different than what I typically write up but sometimes we all just need a boost, especially since we creatives are always so hard on ourselves and our productivity.
Thanks for reading!